All ExPO-r-Net deliverables and milestones have been successfully completed. If you want to know more, please have a look at the below deliverables summaries and reports:
- Dissemination Plan for cross-communication, knowledge transfer and activity integration (ExPO-r-Net_D02_SFR_PS)
- Multi-stakeholder conference (ExPO-r-Net_D03_SFR_PS)
- External evaluation report of project (ExPO-r-Net_D04_SFR_PS)
- Report on specific needs of particular paediatric oncology patients (ExPO-r-Net_D05_D06_SFR_IS_placeholder)
- Report on the established roadmap identifying reference ERN centres and tumor boards (ExPO-r-Net_D05_D06_SFR_IS_placeholder)
- Report identifying European tumour boards of ECTGs providing ICT logistics (ExPO-r-Net_D07_SFR_PS)
- Identification and certification process for healthcare centers to be recognised within the European Reference Network (ExPO-r-Net_D08_SFR_PS)
- Set-up a virtual late-effects advisory centre for specific care needs of childhood cancer survivors
- Standard of care guidelines for VRT and very rare STS (ExPO-r-Net_D10_SFR_PS)
- ExPO-r-Net ad 1 (D02_PRR-1_PS),
- ExPO-r-Net ad 2&3 (D02_PRR-2_PS)
- SIOPE Press Release Nov.2015 (D02_PRR-3_PS)
- SIOPE Press Release Sept.2015 (D02_PRR-4_PS)
- SIOPE Strategic Plan
- Politoco Pro Health Care Article (ExPO-r-Net_D02-PRR-6_PS)
- Dissemination Material: Bookmark (ExPO-r-Net_D02-02_LFT-1_PS)
- Flyer (ExPO-r-NeT_D02-03_LAY-1_PS)
- Poster (ExPO-r-Net_D02-04_POS-1_PS)
- SIOP Poster (ExPO-r-Net_D02_POS-1_PS)
- Detailed list of CCI Europe Members (ExPO-r-Net_D04-OTH-2_PS)
- WP5 SIOPE Abstract (D07_OTH-1_PS)
- WP5 Answer form (D07_OTH-2_PS)
- Paediatric Tumour Board Questionnaire (D07_OTH-3_PS)
- WP5 informed consent (D07_OTH-4_PS)
- Legal responsibility in tumour boards (D07_OTH-5_PS)
- WP5 Spanish national survey (D07_OTH-6_PS)
- Standard Request From VTB (D07_OTH-7_PS)
- Tumour Board SOPs (D07_OTH-8_PS)
- WP5 publication (ExPO-r-Net_D07-OTH-9_PS)
- WP5 Outcome of counselling (D07_OTH-10_PS)
- Description on discrepancies in Europe (ENCCA) and Parent`s point of view on European Standards of Care (ExPO-r-Net_D05-OTH-1_PS)